Douglas E. Nevill, Sr

I am Douglas E. Nevill, Sr. (Jr. is younger than me, has NO hair, but a warm smile and he works for the local hospital). He is a fine and a stand-up man and I am grateful to God for him. He brings honor to the Lord and to his dad.
I'm the "other Doug", probably a wee bit more opinionated than junior.
Because You are Curious
Well, your on this page, so you must at least be curious. Who is that handsome man that is making those delicious pizzas?
Well, here you go:
I Happily Submit to the Two-fold Ownership of God
- I belong to God by Creation. He created everything according to His own good pleasure and for His own glory. He made me. I am His.
- I belong to God by redemption. He bought me. His holiness required death for my sin. His son, Jesus Christ, died to purchase my salvation which I have received as a gift of God's grace.
- I am a child of God by God's grace and mercy because I believe that His only Son, Jesus Christ died in my place when He was crucified. God put Him to grief for my sins. He died for my sins. He rose again. He is coming again.
- He died and rose again for you, too. Turn from your sins and accept His forgiveness and live your life to be pleasing to Him.
- He means EVERYTHING to me. I do not follow Him perfectly, but I am a follower of the Way.
- Of all the conversations I could have with you, I would LOVE most to share with you the good news of God's deliverance from sin's penalty and power through the sacrifice and resurrection of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
If you ask me, "do you believe in "science", I will say NO.
- I believe in God.
- I use science.
I can tell you that I am fond of the scientific method, which ALWAYS begins with observation.
Without observation, there is NO SCIENCE, only Faith. Yes, and I am fully aware that the scientific method has largely been abandoned.
The result is SCIENTISM - a religion based upon FAITH that does NOT require observation - only acquiescence to the dogmas presented by "scientists."
I admit that I have FAITH in God. I confess that I do NOT have Faith in man.
I don't believe true SCIENCE (knowledge) will ever contradict what we used to call "common sense."
Common Sense?
It seems to be a thing of the past.
I don't wear the visible submission token over my nose and mouth unless I am operating in an acute environment that requires that I filter harmful stuff from getting into my lungs.
I sometimes wear a mask when I am working to prevent dust from entering my airway, but I never wear one to prevent fresh air from entering my lungs.
Breathing fresh air is VITAL to my health, so I breathe fresh air.
- I don't eat my own dung.
- I don't breathe my own exhalation.
Do you?
The Tent is Outside!
- You don't need to wear a mask.
- I will never ask you to wear one.
- Whether or not you are "vaccinated" is your business. Your "passport" at the tent is that you money to buy my food. If you don't have any money and you are hungry, I will give you some food.